Inspired to Hire

Resources to Support Your Needs

The following are resources and tools that you can use to help you build diversity in your workplace, including reaching, hiring, and retaining youth.

Top 10 Tips

Bright people can learn specific job requirements quickly enough, and the benefits of high energy, creativity, adaptability and problem-solving abilities keep coming long past the point of technical proficiency. Determine what experience you really need.

Youth may not have had the opportunity for on-the-job experience in your field, but could have developed the skills you need through volunteer experiences, hobbies and school work.

If your company is mostly work with little play, don’t sell yourself as a fun and energetic company. Be truthful about your environment and the expectations around the work being performed.

Hiring youth, women, immigrants, persons with disabilities or people who belong to visible minorities isn’t just good for your community, it’s a way of bringing new ideas and opportunities into your business. Make a commitment to diversity in your job posting and hiring processes.

Connect with local, youth-focused organizations in your area so that when you need to hire, they can help promote your organization and job posting through their networks. Use social media to reach youth in your network and ask younger people to promote your opportunity with their friends.

Introduce your young employee to staff, walk through the work facilities and review important policies. Plan regular check-ins for the first few weeks.

Involve them, challenge them and let them know how they’re doing.

Recognize their accomplishments and offer training support. Provide a coach or mentor for the young person, and include them as part of the team by inviting them to meetings.

Most youth are looking for meaningful work, opportunities for growth, flexibility, a living wage and a safe environment. They also appreciate flexible hours, casual dress codes and telecommuting options.

Look for programs that can help you employ youth such as Graduate to Opportunity, Co-op Education Incentive and Student Summer Skills Incentive programs.